my Old Workshop

Four uses for masking tape

If you thought masking tape was only good for, well, masking surfaces to protect them from paint… or maybe holding up the latest masterpiece by your kids or grandkids, think again. It’s one of the most versatile tools you’ve got.

1. Make marks where no mark has gone before

If you can’t see your pencil mark on dark wood or can’t draw on slick surfaces like ceramic tile, put down some tape, then make your mark. Wrap a piece of tape around mason’s line to mark a location.

2. Chalk it up properly

Snap a chalkline that won’t disappear or scuff off, even on glass or glossy floorboards. Just put down a strip of tape first. You can even snap a chalkline on carpet this way. This also eliminates the chance of a mis-snapped line causing confusion; if you make a mistake, you simply lay down a new strip.

3. Hold things together

Got a bunch of small plumbing parts you don’t want to lose or mix up with other parts? Wrap them in tape and label them. You can even tape adjoining parts in proper sequence. If you need to clamp something that’s too small or delicate for an ordinary clamp — such as a piece of split trim — apply the glue, then wrap it up tightly with tape.

4. Don’t stop there

Label electrical cables by wrapping them with tape and labelling the tape. Mark wall and fixture locations on the floor using taped outlines. Pick up a bunch of small tacks by wrapping a ball of tape and rolling it over the tacks.