my Old Workshop

Fence design tips

Putting up a fence seems simple enough. Just set some posts, run the rails, and nail on the boards. But a fence is a big part of your yard, and you should spend a bit of time planning ahead of time to make sure you end up with a fence you can live with. Here are some things to think about that go beyond mere looks.

Shade. A tall fence is going to cause shade of some sort. Do you want it? Where do you want it? If your fence will block your rose garden from the afternoon sun, you may want to consider something that lets in a good portion of the light, such as a wide lattice, louvered or a low picket. On the other hand, if shade is something you’re looking for, go with a solid close boarded design to block the sun.

Breeze. That close boarded fence might give you shade, but at the same time it may block those cooling summer breezes you enjoy in the summer. If that’s the case, a slightly more open design might give you some shade while letting the breeze come through. Board on board, lattice, or gaps between the boards might be the ticket. If you want the breeze and aren’t worried about shade, consider wrought iron or pickets.

Privacy and view. The taller and tighter the fence, the more private you’ll be. On the other hand you might create a claustrophobic feeling and block out the vista you had before. Keep this in mind when choosing a design. To allow for a view while keeping a sense of privacy, you may want to include an opening — an actual window — in your fence.

Remember to consider how your fence affects your neighbor’s shade, breeze, privacy and view, too.

More ideas next time.