You may just be working in your own backyard, but a lot of DIY projects require protective clothing or accessories. Here’s a sampling of some of the gear you might want to have on hand.
From protecting yourself from slivers and sharp metal edges to corrosive materials, there’s a glove for you. At the very least, have a good sturdy, breathable pair of work gloves.
If you’re doing any major construction, this can be a wise move. A hammer dropped from the roof can be a lethal weapon.
Work boots
Top, toe and bottom, boots can protect you from stepping on sharp objects, dropping something on your foot, or mashing your toes under a heavy weight.
Breathing masks
Simple mouth and nose masks can stop you from breathing in dust. More elaborate filtering devices can protect you from harmful fumes and finer dusts.
Safety goggles protect you from flying debris. If you’re doing specialty work such as welding, you need special filter goggles.
We’ll look at more safety stuff next time.