It’s official. Spring is here. Plan your spring cleaning and maintenance chores so you can get them out of the way as fast as possible, leaving the rest of the warm weather months for… bigger projects!
Actually, spring’s a good time to inspect your house for damage caused by the rough winter weather, and a good time to take care of maintenance, rather than leaving it till the fall, when you’re racing the clock (and the first snow.)
Here are some tips to give your house its annual physical.
Change your furnace and/or air conditioner filter, or clean permanent filters. Vacuum the evaporator coils behind the filter on window units. And make sure the area around your outdoor air conditioner unit or heat pump is free of branches and undergrowth, which can obstruct the air or get debris in the fan.
High winds and ice buildup can damage your roof. Get out on the roof (if your slope allows it) and inspect it for loose, damaged or missing shingles, flashing that needs sealing, or areas where tree branches are in contact with the roof. Take care of the damage now. If your roof is high or steep, you can do an inspection with binoculars from the ground.
Clean and inspect your windows. Look for loose or bad caulking and exposed wood. Paint and seal everything now, while the weather’s good and you’re not under the gun.
Window cleaning tips: Do it on an overcast day so the cleaner doesn’t dry up too quickly and streak. If you squeegee one side of the window with vertical strokes and the other side with horizontal strokes, it’s easy to tell which side needs extra attention when you see streaks.
More tips for your home’s physical next time.